Orca Security

Orca Security

 + HyprEdge

Orca Security enhances cloud security and compliance.

About Orca Security

Orca Security is a cloud security platform that provides comprehensive visibility and protection for cloud resources. It utilizes deep visibility into the cloud stack without the need for agents or network scanners. Orca Security offers continuous monitoring, threat detection, and compliance management capabilities, helping organizations identify and address security risks in their cloud environments. By leveraging its unique approach to cloud security, Orca Security enables businesses to gain real-time insights, streamline security operations, and enhance their overall cloud security posture.

Orca Security Automation Use Cases

Orca Security offers automation use cases when integrated with third-party applications. Some common automation use cases of Orca Security with third-party applications include:

  1. Incident Response Orchestration: Orca Security can integrate with incident response platforms to automate the incident response process. When security incidents are detected, relevant information can be automatically shared with the incident response platform, triggering predefined response actions and workflows.
  2. Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Integration: Orca Security can integrate with SIEM platforms to automatically feed security event data into the SIEM system. This enables centralized logging, analysis, and correlation of security events, enhancing threat detection and response capabilities.
  3. Vulnerability Management Automation: By integrating with vulnerability management tools, Orca Security can automate vulnerability scanning and management processes. This includes automatically scanning cloud resources for vulnerabilities, prioritizing and tracking remediation efforts, and providing vulnerability data to the vulnerability management system.
  4. Ticketing System Integration: Orca Security can integrate with ticketing systems to automate the creation and management of security-related tickets. When security issues are identified, tickets can be automatically generated, assigned to the appropriate teams, and tracked throughout the resolution process.
  5. Cloud Infrastructure Automation: Orca Security can integrate with cloud orchestration and automation tools to enforce security policies and automate security controls within cloud environments. This includes automating security configuration checks, enforcing security baselines, and automatically remediating misconfigurations or policy violations.
  6. Cloud Resource Provisioning: Orca Security can integrate with cloud provisioning tools to enforce security best practices during the provisioning of new cloud resources. This ensures that security controls, policies, and compliance requirements are automatically applied to newly created resources, reducing the risk of misconfigurations or insecure deployments.

By leveraging these automation use cases through integration with third-party applications, organizations can streamline their security operations, improve incident response capabilities, enhance vulnerability management processes, and enforce consistent security controls across their cloud environments using the capabilities provided by Orca Security.

Orca Security Search Use Cases

Orca Security primarily focuses on providing comprehensive visibility and protection for cloud resources, rather than offering explicit search capabilities for external third parties. However, it offers robust querying and filtering functionalities within its platform that enable users to search and analyze their cloud environment effectively. Users can leverage the following search capabilities within Orca Security:

  1. Resource Search: Users can search for specific cloud resources, such as virtual machines, containers, storage buckets, or databases, within their environment. They can filter resources based on attributes like name, ID, tags, or specific metadata associated with the resources.
  2. Vulnerability Search: Orca Security enables users to search for vulnerabilities affecting their cloud resources. They can query vulnerabilities based on severity levels, vulnerability types, affected resources, or specific CVE identifiers. This helps users identify and prioritize remediation efforts for critical vulnerabilities.
  3. Compliance Search: Users can search for compliance violations within their cloud environment. They can query specific compliance frameworks or regulations, such as PCI DSS or HIPAA, and retrieve a list of resources that are non-compliant. This allows users to address compliance gaps promptly.
  4. Configuration Search: Orca Security allows users to search for misconfigured resources in their cloud environment. They can query specific configuration checks or policy violations and identify resources that require remediation. This helps ensure that cloud resources are properly configured according to security best practices.
  5. Account Search: Users can search for specific cloud accounts or subscriptions within their environment. This is useful for organizations with multiple accounts or subscriptions, allowing them to quickly locate and assess the security posture of specific accounts.

It's important to note that while these search capabilities are available within the Orca Security platform, they are primarily intended for internal use by the organization or users managing their cloud environments. Orca Security's APIs and integrations are more focused on facilitating security operations, vulnerability management, and compliance monitoring rather than providing direct search capabilities for external third parties.

Orca Security connected with HyprEdge allows administrators to leverage the power of HyprEdge Federated Search to provide comprehensive and scalable search functionality across Orca Security  and other enterprise data sources enhancing productivity.

Capabilities of this Integration

This App Connect provides following capabilities:

  • Actions: Patch, Quarantine Host, Scan IP
  • Triggers: Vulnerability detected, Scan complete, Patch available/not available
  • Artifacts: Host, IP, Vulnerabilities

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