Business Outcome Driven, Cyber Resilient Automation

Boost your ROI with Security and IT tools that fusion teams already have invested in. Develop the best Security automation strategy for your organization with business goals that actually matter.



Federated Search in Apps running across multi-cloud, on-premise and private cloud environments in your Organization
Search for Assets, Confidential Files, Emails, Users, Containers, Images, Code, Vulnerabilities etc.


Federate Response
Recursive Real Time Responses on Search Results, Respond to time sensitive security issues in seconds
Automated Response
Create Automated Responses to typical Security threats such as Phishing Emails, Zero Day Vulnerabilities etc. Industry's first - Search Operator within Workflows, delivers comprehensive response capability to threats


Automate to Achieve Goals
Create Goals with desired outcomes, associate workflows with Goals to track ROI of Automation
HyprFlows-Best in Class No Code Workflows
Create Workflows with Simplified Workflow Builder with your typical programming operators - Loop, Break, Nested Conditions, Parallel,   Global KV Store, Wait etc.

Don't let your Security Automation strategy be Siloed and Fragmented.

Define your Digital First business outcomes first followed by Security Automation strategy and finally use your current Security & IT tools and/or add new tools that meets this strategy and goals

Edge Optimized Security Automation Platform that works with all the Security & IT tools that you own

HyprEdge platform is built to scale and its patent pending, technology lets you extend the capabilities of your current tools. Don't have to depend on pre-built Integrations and you can write your own integration in minutes.

Get visibility of all your enterprise artifacts on your fingertips

HyprEdge's Federated Search enables you to query for any artifact such as files, users, container, images etc. that are spread across Applications deployed in your on-premise and hybrid cloud infrastructure.

Federated Actions followed by Federated Search

Industry's first platform that lets you query for artifacts in your hybrid environment AND lets you take federated actions on the search result - all while search results are kept in the same Cloud Edge thus reducing the data transfer cost!

Built to Autoscale with Integrations

HyprEdge's Developer Portal, a no code Integration platform lets customers and partners create their own custom integration in minutes. Share it with community and others can use it too!

360 degree visibility across your org's workflows, searches, actions and approvals

Workspace provides you a single place to see all the activities that you and other administrators are performing using workflows, searches and actions. You will also see any pending approval here.

Best in Class Security Automation Platform with Enterprise Capabilities

HyprEdge's Enterprise class RBAC enables collaboration across teams. My Workspace shows you the activities with Workflows, Searches and actions. Also, it is a single place for you to see any pending approval request.

Enterprise class Roles Based Access Control

A Super Admin at the org level can invite individual Fusion team admins. Granular permission sets enable segregation of duties and complete compliance.

Stay within compliance with Enterprise grade Audit Log

Track all activities initiated by users. Ability to offload data at your choice of storage. Lets you search and filter for any artifacts within audit logs such as User, IP, Workflow, Action etc.

Enterprise SSO

Choose your choice of Identity provide and easily connect it with HyprEdge. Define users and Roles at a central location and synchronies seamlessly with HyprEdge platform.

Make business decisions that help you grow. With data that actually matters.

Create your Security Outcomes with Automation as the core
...and then create Security automation strategy to achieve goals.
Get visibility across your organization for all artifacts
Build online communities with effective audience commuincation.
Reduct Cloud Cost by multifold and use context data
No need to clutter your data lakes with unwanted data.

Leverage Adaptive Automation Led Cyber Resilience with HyprEdge

HyprEdge delivers a predictive CA/CR Platform for rapid and continual development of intuitive workflows powered by high context data insights and intelligent automated responses